You’ve probably noticed by now that we got ourselves a new, updated look. Take a minute to have a look around — we’ve even added a new feature: Lounge Acts, a TCL Crafter Q&A. Check out our first entry and get to know TCL crafter and employee Louise Forman. Also, be on the lookout for announcements of upcoming classes, including Papermaking, Knitting, Reinvent Your Jewelry, and College Essay Brainstorming. We’ll be adding new features over the next few months, so keep checking in with us!
Lounge Acts: Louise Forman
Posted by July 6, 2014 Leave a Comment
When and how did you begin sewing/painting/designing/etc.?
I started drawing as a kid. My father was very artistic and he inspired me. Actually, both sides of my family had artists. In high school I was an art major and had a fantastic teacher (Ms. Rosen) who mentored me. Our first project was to present our full names in an interesting way. Ms. Rosen complimented the composition of my piece in front of the class, and I was hooked.
Where did you grow up?
I grew up in Brooklyn, New York, in Flatbush. I went to Midwood High School.